Lemon Ed!
What is Lemon Ed?
A refreshing, flavoursome and easy drinking, brewed hard lemonade designed to beat the heat of summer!
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Independencia 1810 Tequila Anejo 750ml
Product Description
Manufacturer's Notes: On September 16th, 1810, a group of Mexican heroes decided not to wait longer to engage in a war for the liberty of the Mexican people, successfully consummating the Mexcan independence 11 years later. On this historic date, a revolt planned by the Founding Fathers got underway; to honor this victory, the national beverage, Tequila, played an important role. Tequila, a distilled spirit made by 'Maestros Tequileros' inspired by their love of Mexico, is constantly conquering the exquisite taste of connoisseurs due to the delicious treacle of blue agave where this tequila is extracted from.